Superbook full episodes season 4
Superbook full episodes season 4

The supply of wine had run out at the wedding celebration in Cana. There is no limit to what Jesus can do with what little we have. They quickly learned what Jesus could do with just five loaves of bread and two small fish the little boy obediently offered to Jesus. Jesus will take what we bring and multiply it! Andrew and Philip didn’t see how the crowd could be fed and they wanted to send the crowd away to find food. Never wonder if Jesus can do something with what we offer Him. His Word made the heavens and by His breath the stars were born! God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into Him. Jesus took the little boy’s food he had brought that day, blessed it, and multiplied the food to feed over 5000 people with twelve baskets left over! Think of this the entire universe was formed at God’s command. The servants obeyed and Jesus performed a miracle to change that water into wine. All Jesus asked was to fill the six jars with water.

superbook full episodes season 4 superbook full episodes season 4

Mary told the servants to do whatever Jesus told them.

Superbook full episodes season 4